ACC Lectures 2023 | 4. Bao Li | 23.03.2023

Selected readings:


Nanjing Experiments. Participatory Design in Urban Regeneration Processes

The first act that those involved in urban regeneration can do today is to look at the city from the point of view of the urban form as a collective construction and theater of the life of the people who live there. It is necessary to try to design side by side with local communities, listening to requests from individual families, negotiating solutions, proposing distributive characters and technological devices useful on the one hand to raise the quality of life and on the other hand to restore the full meaning of living the spaces and places of the city within the walls.

Based on research and practical projects in 4 existing communities in Nanjing, the lecture will introduce the experimental processes of design and participation in urban regeneration, and further reflect on the mechanism and route to achieve the goal of participatory design, towards a new season of participated projects, based on innovative practices.

About Bao Li

BAO Li studied Architecture at Southeast University (SEU) in China and at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Zurich (ETHZ). She is full professor and Vice Dean of School of Architecture at SEU, Co-Director of Transitional Morphologies Joint Research Unit (with Politecnico di Torino) and member of UIA COMMUNITY ARCHITECTURE & HUMAN RIGHTS Work program (CAHR_WP).
Having been teaching Architectural Design and Theory courses for more than 25 years, Prof. BAO has been awarded by UIA and MoE for Innovation in Architectural Education, won a dozen of awards as supervisor and published 8 books on teaching as well. She is the Coordinator of Master Double Degree programs with Politecnico de Torino and Politechnico de Milano, and has rich experience in joint-teaching and research with European universities and professors.
BAO Li has been focusing on the community study and architecture design with practice. Her major research topics are sustainable habitat, urban regeneration and open buildings. In last two decades, she has worked on the real projects in a wide range from urban design, public building and housing, some have been received national and international prizes and honors. She also has been the leader or participant in a few of national lever research projects in these fields and published a number of papers home and abroad.
