Architectural design theories and processes within the smart city
In the changing landscape of design practices that is mainly technology-driven, architectural thought could be an incredible resource to innovate processes and open alternative transformative dimensions. The research is focused on the conditions to build a theory of the architectural design process within the contemporary environment. Tommaso is a philosophy graduate at Università Statale di Milano on the topic of digital practices from an epistemological perspective. Since then he keeps researching this dimension especially through design processes’ theories. He has spent one year of postgraduate specialization in Digital Humanities at Università Ca Foscari in Venezia and worked for the iCHAT project in partnership with HOC-Lab, Politecnico in Milano and IBM. He has been a Research Fellow at University Iuav in Venezia, researching on Artificial Intelligence as innovation tool within the ‘Industry 4.0’ plan and design role in this context. 2018/2019 Research Fellow at University Iuav, VeneziaBio
2017/2018 iCHAT project in partnership with HOC-Lab, Polimi, Milano
2017/2018 Postgraduate specialization University Ca Foscari, Venezia
2013/2017 Works in the digital compartment of several firms, mainly in tourism in Italy and Canada
2014 Graduates at Statale University in Milan with the master’s thesis “Big Data e Internet – Nuove prospettive di conoscenza” tutor prof. Giulio Giorello.