(Sub)Urban Development Processes. Mapping Developing Urban Forms in the Global South.
Tutor: Marco Trisciuoglio
Meta-geographical visions of the “urban world” animate contemporary discussions. However, there is a massive disagreement about what needs to be studied. Current social, economical and political changes drive the global urbanization process. This process is creating inequality and uneven spatial development, within and between, rural and urban regions. New processes that initiate in the margins challenge traditional dependencies of “outsides” from “insides” in the urban context. In this sense, this research frames the emerging conditions in the Global South’s suburban scenarios. It is in these scenarios that the new morphologies, compositions and meanings of (sub) urban development flourish.
Architect born in Ecuador in 1991. Has carried out professional and training activities in Ecuador and Italy. Teacher at Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ) from 2014-2016.
MSc. Graduate and PhD candidate at Politecnico di Torino. Research interests include urban morphology, urban and social sciences, landscape & urban regeneration and comparative studies. Strong commitment to prove that the integration of social, historical and cultural perspectives to design help produce the most suitable development of a project. Interested in the development of studies and projects that generate an interface between the physical and the social dimensions of cities.
2016-2018 / MSc in Architecture, construction, city (110L/110), Politecnico di Torino
2009-2014 / Architecture and Interior Design School. Architect. (Magna Cum Laude), Universisad San Francisco De Quito. Quito Ecuador.
2018 / Cultural mediator at XVI Mostra Internazionale di Architettura – Fondazione La Biennale di Venezia, Venezia, Italy
2017 / Collaborator – Arch. Andrea Bruno. Turin
2017 / Collaborator – SINTECNA SRL. Turin
2016 / Architect – VLC Arquitectura y Diseño interior. Cumbaya, Ecuador
2014-2015 / Junior Architect – Estudio Ernesto Bilbao. Quito, Ecuador.
2014–2016 / Part time Teacher – Universidad San Francisco de Quito. Architecture and Interior Design School. Quito, Ecuador
Selected publications
Ricchiardi, Ana. “Turin as exploratory field of migration flows and multiethnicity. Urban design case study exploration”. En: Sánchez Merina, Javier (Ed.). EURAU18 Alicante: Retroactive Research: Congress Proceedings. Alicante: Escuela Politécnica Superior Alicante University, 2018. ISBN 978-84-1302-003-7, pp. 343-350
Ricchiardi, Ana. Voce “RCR” in Grande Dizionario Enciclopedico (fondato da P. Fedele) Appendice XXI secolo – Aggiornamento 2019, Utet, Torino (ITA) (in corso di stampa)
Ricchiardi, Ana. Voce “Aravena” in Grande Dizionario Enciclopedico (fondato da P. Fedele) Appendice XXI secolo – Aggiornamento 2019, Utet, Torino (ITA) (in corso di stampa)