At the Origin of the Liberal Profession? Documentary Constellations in the Dispersed Archive of an Eighteenth-Century Architect
Tutor: Edoardo Piccoli
Co-tutor: Alessandro Armando
The purpose of this doctoral thesis is the reconstruction of the ordinary activities of an 18th-century architect, through the study of the documents he produced. Drawings, worksite instructions and technical reports assume a central position, playing a pivotal role for understanding the architectural practice in the eighteenth-century Savoyard State. More in detail, using some methods borrowed from Social Sciences, this research will focus on the professional career of the Italian architect Bernardo Antonio Vittone (1704-1770) trying to reassemble his extensive and dispersed archive.
Francesca Favaro graduated from the Polytechnic of Turin with a Master’s thesis in history of architecture, focusing on a mid-seventeenth century bath apartment in Agliè Castle.
In 2015 she collaborated with an archaeologist and conservator specialized in the analysis and repairs of historical buildings and archaeological sites, based in Bristol (UK).
In 2016 she attended a specialization course in “Economics and Management of the Arts and the Cultural Heritage” in Milan (“Il Sole 24 Ore Business School”).
2016 / Post-graduate specialization course in “Economics and Management of the Arts and the Cultural Heritage” – “Il Sole 24 Ore Business School”, Milan
2011-2013 / Master’s degree in Architettura Costruzione Città, Politecnico di Torino
2008-2011 / Bachelor’s degree in Scienze dell’Architettura, Politecnico di Torino
2017 / Project Manager_Cittadellarte Fondazione Pistoletto (Biella)
2015 / Collaborator_Catherine Woolfitt Associates (Bristol – UK)
2014-2015 / Architect_Studio arch. Cena (Turin)
Selected publications
Favaro, Francesca. “L’appartamento dei bagni del castello di Agliè”. Studi Piemontesi, no. 1 (2017): 87-99.
Favaro, Francesca. “Sguardi incrociati su un’architettura vittoniana: una giornata di studi sulla Chiesa di S.Chiara”, Atti e Rassegna Tecnica della Società degli Ingegneri e degli Architetti in Torino, no. 1-2-3 (2016): 90 |link|