Protection and management of industrial heritage in China. History and practice
Tutor: Filippo De Pieri
Co-tutor: Lv Zhou (Tsinghua University)
The thesis aims to study the evolution of the industrial conservation philosophy in China and its practices on management, through the lens of the national Chinese law.
Considering the latest attention of the government on industrial heritage sites, the research would like to track the evolution of Chinese policies and strategies on the protection and management of industrial legacy since April 2006 when, at the first China Industrial Heritage Protection Forum in Wuxi, the draft notes of the congress, after revision and promulgation by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, became the first constitutional document on industrial heritage protection.
Giorgia Cestaro is a PhD candidate in Architecture. History and Project within the special joint PhD research program “Transnational Architectural models in a globalized world” between Politecnico di Torino and Tsighua University of Beijing. Art historian, graduated at Ca’ Foscari University in Venice, she spent three years working in Beijing as School Coordinator of the Italian Embassy School. Her deep interest on Chinese Architecture and Cultural Heritage brought her to focus the research activity on conservation philosophy in China and its practices on management. She is part of China Room, Politecnico’s research group, as junior fellow.
2015- / Contribution writer for Artribune and
2016-2018 / School Coordinator of Italian Embassy School of Beijing
2015 / Art Education Developer in UCCA Center for Contemporary Art in Beijing
2015 / Master Degree in Art History and Conservation of Cultural Heritage, Universita’ Ca Foscari di Venezia, full marks and honours 110L/110
Selected publications
Cestaro, Giorgia. 2019. 记忆和再生 – Memory and Regeneration In SHIJIE JIANZHU/ WORLD ACRHITECTURE – ISSN:1002-4832, vol. 348 (06- June 2019), p. 114