Architecture and Morality. From John Ruskin to today
Tutor: Alessandro De Magistris
Co-tutor: Alessandro Armando
Matheus Cartocci is an architect. He graduates in Politecnico di Milano with the master thesis Ontology of the Void, being awarded with a cum laude grade. After his intense working experience in Milan on large scale projects for urban transformations, he is interested in researching through his PHD fellowship the relation between Architecture and Morality: starting from the historical questions addressed in the XIX century with figures such as John Ruskin, Gottfried Semper, Lev Tolstoj to come the contemporary scenario of architecture.
2017 / Italian Architectural Professional Licensing at Politecnico di Milano
2014-2016 / MSc in Architecture at Politecnico di Milano -110 cum Laude/110
2012-2013 / ERASMUS San Pablo CEU Madrid, Spain
2010-2014 / BSc in Architecture at Politecnico di Milano
1997-2000 / ISPS International public boarding school, Dharamshala, India
2017- / Co-Founder Leading Architect AtelierBAHIA architecture studio
2017-2018 / University Tutor Assistant prof. Paolo Debiaggi, master course Politecnico di Milano
2017 / Co-Founder Leading Architect I.S.A International Sahaj Architects NGO
2016-2017 / architect at Stefano Boeri Architetti Milano
2016-2017 / Tutor Assistant prof. Stefano Boeri, master course Politecnico di Milano
2015 / Co-Curator MI030-Future of the City with Stefano Boeri artistic direction
2013 / Tutor Assistant prof. Paolo Belloni, bachelor course Politecnico di Milano