The Trace of the First Travel of an Architect: Scientific Anatomy. Representation and Transmission in the Project and in the Teaching of Architecture
Tutor: Riccardo Palma
The experience of the architect’s first journey analysed as a tool for training, knowledge, composition and critical reflection. The importance of travel memories; references, representation, communication and transmission. This study argues that the pedagogical aspects of the architectural voyage imply an understanding of the journey as a didactic experience, as a formative instrument that manages to transcend the subjectivity of the experience collected through the references stored in the travel notebooks. The role of travel is its restitution, written or drawn, in the project and in the teaching-learning of architecture.
Sasha Londoño holds a master’s degree in Architecture from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá (2015). Her work focuses on the study and analysis of the project and the methodologies for its teaching-learning, particularly, in its relation with architectural travel experience.
MSc in Architecture / Thesis: The Incidence of the Itinerary: The Experience of the Journey to Africa in the Composition of Rogelio Salmona’s Work / Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Diploma in Research in Arts, Architecture and Design / Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali, Colombia
Visual Design Master / Scuola Politecnica di Design Milano – Italy
Urban Design Specialist / Universidad Nacional de Colombia Bogotá
Architecture / Universidad Del Valle Cali – Colombia
2012- / Full Time assistant teacher, Department of Arts, Architecture and Design, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali, Colombia (in commission of studies)
2011 / Design, curatorship and exhibition “Arquitectura del Territorio” Instituto Territorio, Hábitat y Sociedad, Faculty of Arts, Universidad Nacional de Colombia Bogotá
2010-2011 / Part Time University Teacher, Department of Graphic Design, Universidad Piloto de Colombia Bogotá
2008-2010 / Research Assistant, Master’s Degree of Architecture, Faculty of Arts, Universidad Nacional de Colombia Bogotá
Selected publications
Londoño Venegas, Sasha. La incidencia del itinerario en el procedimiento proyectual. La experiencia del viaje al África en la composición de la obra de Rogelio Salmona, Editorial Sello Javeriano Cali, (2018)
Londoño Venegas, Sasha. El arte de la memoria en la arquitectura. Concierto de recuerdos, experiencias y composición en Rogelio Salmona y sus memorias de África in Revista Calle 14, Universidad Francisco. José de Caldas, Bogotá, (2017)
Londoño Venegas, Sasha. Reflejos del África en la arquitectura de Rogelio Salmona. Centro Cultural de Cali, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali, Colombia (2016)
Londoño Venegas, Sasha (with Cortes, R., Burgos, P.) Rogelio Salmona in the Masters of Architecture. Masters of Architecture Research Group, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá (2009 –2011)