… a meeting with

Sèbastien Marot

14 thoughts on “… a meeting with

  1. s284927

    The lecture of the guest Sébastien Marot was particularly interesting to better understand what has always been in history the evolutionary relationship between architecture and agriculture. It was really interesting to understand what were its phases during the academic life both of teaching and research for the history of the environment. The themes addressed during the various exhibitions, such as the reasoning on the various representations of Rem Koolhaas and the ideas he had triggered in other architects, the same Stefano Boeri with the project of a city inside the forest, therefore of the importance of nature and the environment, which is linked to the reasoning on the Doric temple and the barn and on the requirements to be complied with sanitation for architecture of this type.

  2. Lorenzo Savio s285405

    Professor Marot illustrated to us, with his speech, an entire life dedicated to research, thanks to a skilful conceptualization of the landscape and design of rural areas. His critical reflections were not lacking of philosophical references on the evolution of contemporary architecture, on its potential development in urban planning terms, and they ultimately helped to define possible future scenarios. The basic assumptions of these theories have taken into consideration: the previous history of today’s metropolises, the current development of the world economy and finally the recent desire for reconciliation of man with the environment and nature, also with regard to production, particularly in mainly agricultural contexts. It was absolutely fascinating to follow his philological construction of thought up to real representations of the future of “rurality”, of the symbiosis between residential, productive architecture and nature, with the latter even becoming “controllable” in the aforementioned scenarios, even predictable in its urban insertion.


    The lecture of the guest Sébastien Marot was interesting. One of the key themes that Marot has explored is the idea that architecture and agriculture have always been closely linked, and that the design of buildings and landscapes has been shaped by the needs and practices of agricultural communities throughout history. It is important to note that the idea of an urban exodus is not a panacea and may not be feasible or desirable for everyone. Cities offer a range of economic, social, and cultural opportunities that are not found in rural areas, and for many people, urban life is an important part of their identity and sense of belonging. As such, any shift away from traditional urban models will need to be carefully considered and balanced with the needs and desires of individuals and communities.

  4. s285858

    I found this lecture particularly interesting to go into detail of the relationship between architecture and the country, which is often not taken into the proper consideration. With his explanation of the history of how this relationship has developed in time, I think Prof. Marot has given a clear picture of why the two subjects can’t be split when we talk about thinking new spaces for the cities of the future. I’ve really appreciated the metaphor of the wizard and the prophet, which I think represent very well the different ways we can act in relation of the environment we have to live in and the future expecting us.

  5. S299996

    Sébastien Marot’s lecture on “Taking the Country’s Side: Agriculture and Architecture” was very interesting, asking, Are cities and metropolises the manifest destiny of humankind ? The present environmental predicament might well lead us to question this idea, and to encourage something like a urban exodus. Many examples of past urban design were cited, such as some of Koolhaas’design and ideas, but for the present, we looked at the countryside, which may have more potential to develop and accommodate more people. The relationship between architecture and agriculture was mentioned in the lecture and was very enlightening.

  6. s287645

    I really appreciated the choice of including Lorenzetti’s “The Allegory of Good and Bad Government” fresco as a representation of the relationship between man and nature. It is precisely on the city/nature relationship that Sèbastien Marot has built his intervention and research. The theme between the boundary that divides the city and the built was as important in medieval times as it is today. Ever-expanding cities often cause excessive land consumption and leave behind eco-monsters destined to be reached and governed by nature after abandonment. Is it really possible to direct architecture to a more soil- and environment-friendly footprint without falling back on utopian or inaccessible solutions? How will the ‘architect of tomorrow keep in balance increasingly pressing issues affecting the environment, society, and architecture?

  7. Alessio/s286740

    The lecture with guest speaker Sébastien Marot was really interesting. The relationship between architecture and agriculture and how these two disciplines have evolved was very thought-provoking. Taking into consideration different architects, from Rem Khoolas to Stefano Boeri, it was possible to deduce of how relevant is the nexus of the relationship that is created between architecture and nature especially in the sphere of the city. The invitation is to cast our eyes also to the countryside, which has great potential for advancement and could bring a great increase of people to these spaces.

  8. S291981

    Sébastien Marot remarks on how important it is for us as architects to study the history of the environment, and how fundamental the countryside is. He states that “Agriculture and architecture are like twin sisters,” closely related to each other. His research was summarized in the exhibitions, which were held in Lisbon, entitled “Agriculture and Architecture,” “Architecture and Urbanism,” and “Agronomy to Agroecology,” topics that are addressed and exhibited in a chronological and thematic manner, in order to better explain the evolution of agricultural knowledge.
    Marot speculates that metropolises and cities may be a return to a new medieval period, caused by the consequences known to us about the environment. And how important are the relationships between agriculture and architecture and between town and country, and how they may influence our future.

  9. Ayman H.

    Prof. Marot’s talk for me highlighted the underlying tension between the rural and the urban, the natural and the artificial, and how these forces have shaped our historical and practical view of the field over its history. The main thing that stood out to me was the dialectic between the figures of the ”wizard”, as an evangelizer for technological progress and its purported merits, and the “prophet”, posing as a warner and a check on the dangers of fully embracing the fruits of industry and eschewing nature. As pointed out by Prof. Marot, today’s hyper globalising trends seem to have put the wizard in the driver’s seat, with all the technological advancement and dystopian consequences that may bring. But perhaps the prophet’s warnings can only be heard when the wizard fails. In light of today’s climate crisis, rapid urbanisation, and the decline of the rural and natural environments by extension, constitute grave shortcomings in the wizard’s vision, and a recalibration of this trajectory as sought by Prof. Marot by “taking the country’s side” is greatly overdue.

  10. s305406

    The guest lecture by Sébastien Marot was absolutely fascinating as it explored the intricate relationship between architecture and agriculture throughout history. Marot discussed how these two fields have been closely connected and how they have influenced teaching, research, and urban planning. He shared intriguing ideas from architects like Rem Koolhaas and Stefano Boeri, highlighting the importance of nature and the environment in architectural discussions. Marot also emphasized the potential of the countryside for growth and as a place to accommodate a growing population, challenging the common focus on cities. In today’s world, where environmental concerns are pressing, Marot’s call for a balance between society, environment, and architecture becomes even more relevant.

  11. Shubham Soni

    Professor Marot’s speech emphasized his lifelong research in landscape and rural design, examining the evolution of architecture, urban planning, and future possibilities. His theories incorporated historical contexts, global economy, and the importance of harmonizing humans, environment, and agriculture. The presentation provided fascinating insights into achieving a balanced integration of residential, productive architecture, and nature in urban settings, where nature can be controlled and predicted.

  12. Marta Erby

    Sébastien Marot’s lecture on the relationship between architecture and agriculture provided a captivating exploration of this connection throughout history. He discussed the influence of architects, such as Rem Koolhaas, highlighting the importance of nature and the environment in architectural discourse. Marot’s examination of the Doric temple, the barn, and sanitation requirements further emphasized the practical considerations in architectural design shaped by agricultural practices. The lecture also delved into the future of “rurality,” envisioning a symbiotic relationship between residential and productive architecture and nature. Marot’s critical reflections extended beyond architecture, prompting contemplation of urbanization, environmental challenges, and societal aspirations. By invoking the metaphor of the wizard and the prophet, he encouraged a reconsideration of our trajectory and a greater appreciation for the countryside. Overall, the lecture offered profound insights into the historical evolution and potential future scenarios at the intersection of architecture, agriculture, and the environment.

  13. s314793

    Professor Marot starts his lecture by presenting architecture and agriculture as sisters, both as domestication processes. The architect proposes we think of the possible future scenarios of urban planning and how they are related to the current environmental issues. According to Marot, there are two actors in these scenarios, the so-called “wizards” who intend to develop and surpass nature, and the “prophets” who propose to retake back nature from the black blocks. Four future scenarios in urban development result from these leads: incorporation (considered the new industrial revolution) is the massive industrial dominance of both urban and agricultural zones, merging both into one single system; in Negotiation the city continues to grow but the metropoles become hybrid with the rural and natural areas; Infiltration is characterized by the addition of the agricultural area to the existing city (acupunctural solution); finally, Secession is the scenario where society becomes less dependent of infrastructure and reaches self-sufficiency.

  14. S306881

    In his lecture Sébastien Marot, he tells us that the world is a territory, a region, a country where we can imagine projects and we can spend our existence and for this reason he highlights environmental issues such as global warming, land use and above all the Agriculture. He shows us the four scenarios of climate change and energy-descent with which he explained to us that some actions we carry out are not beneficial for the environment and what is sought is generally a midpoint with which different strategies can be developed. .


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