ACC Lectures 2024 | Extra Lecture | Kadambari Baxi

In and Out of Architecture: Climate, Labor and Reproductive Justice

This lecture discusses ongoing projects where concerns for climate, fair labor practices and human rights spur different forms of architectural activism. Kadambari Baxi will present excerpts from WBYA? (Who Builds Your Architecture?), an advocacy project that examines challenges faced by construction workers on architectural sites; Climate Justice WTF, a film essay that pairs protests at global climate summits and legal arguments from a youth climate lawsuit; Air Drifts, a multimedia exhibition on global toxic atmospheres, and Trigger Planting and a series of public installations on reproductive justice.

Using diverse representational techniques to connect dispersed sites, unseen problematics and socio-political actions, these projects offer ways to view architecture from within many other domains and highlight what is often outside its frame. By assembling issues of labor exploitation on construction sites, climate change in interconnected global atmospheres, reproductive rights in changing landscapes of care and healthcare, the projects collectively outline a new agenda for architecture as an activist cultural practice.

Kadambari Baxi is an architect and educator based in New York. Her practice combines architecture, media and interdisciplinary alliances to produce research-based exhibitions and public installations. As a Professor of Professional Practice in Architecture, she teaches design studios and environmental visualization seminars at Barnard College, Columbia University.


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