Research: “The Empty Locus of Power: Production of Political Urbanism in Modern Tehran” / link to page→
Tutors: Prof. Sergio Pace, Dr. Ali Mozaffari (Deakin University)
Asma Mehan is a visiting Research Fellow at the Alfred Deakin Institute (ADI) in Deakin University, Melbourne (Australia) and PhD Candidate in Architecture- History- Project Doctoral Program in the Department of Architecture and Design (DAD), Politecnico di Torino, Torino (Italy). A graduate of Art University of Isfahan (AUI) with Master degree in Architecture and Urban Studies, she studies architecture and urban history of Middle Eastern societies with special reference to Iranian Cities in the modern period, when Iran engaged in different modes of socio-political exchange with Western World as well as its neighboring Muslim states like Turkey. Her current research on Tehran goes beyond the symbolic capacities of architecture and focuses on the politics of space production.
Asma has been working as an Architect and Lecturer till 2010. She has extensively presented her research in national and international conferences, and has received Awards, Grants and Fellowships included: Graduate Scholar Award by Spaces & Flows: Seventh International Conference on Urban and ExtraUrban Studies, University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, 2016), 2015 Premi di Qualità (Quality Awards) by Scuola di Dottorato (Doctoral School), Politecnico di Torino (Torino, 2016), Society of Architectural Historians’ (SAH) Keeper’s Preservation Educational Fund Annual Conference Fellowship (Chicago-2015), and Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain (SAHGB) Graduate Student Research Forum Travel Grant (Edinburgh- 2015).
2016-2017 / Deakin University (Melbourne, Australia), Alfred Deakin
Institute for Citizenship and Globalization, Visiting Research Fellow
2010-2013 / M.A. in Architectural Studies, School of Art and Architecture,
Art University of Isfahan (Isfahan, Iran)
2011-2012 / Visiting Graduate Student, School of Architecture and Urban
Planning, Shahid Beheshti University (Tehran, Iran)
2006-2010 / B.Arch. in Architecture, School of Art and Architecture,
Technical College of Dr. Shariaty (Tehran, Iran)
2016-present / Editorial Review Board Member, Revista Brasileira de Planejamento e Desenvolvimento (Curitiba, Brazil)
2016-present / Associate Editor, Spaces and Flows: An International
Journal of Urban and Extra-Urban Studies, Common Ground Publishing (Champaign, Illinois, USA)
2016- present / Editorial Board Member, Asian Social Science Journal
(ASS), Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education
2012-2014 / Lecturer, Aria University of Sciences and Sustainability
(AUSS)(Garmsar, Iran)
2010-2012 / Lecturer, Garmsar University (Garmsar, Iran)
2011-2014 / Visiting Lecturer-The Professional Academy of Architecture
(Tehran, Iran)
2010-2012 / Sustainable Development Faculty, Legrand France Headquarter (Tehran,Iran)