DASP Poster Session | 14 June 2023 | 15.00-18.00

DASP PhD students Exposition


14 June 2023 | 15.00-18.00
DAD Offices | 1st floor Manica Nord, Castello del Valentino

At the DASP Poster Session 2023, students from cycles XXXVI, XXXVII and XXXVIII will exhibit their research “in progress” and have the opportunity to informally discuss the advancements of their work with members of the DASP faculty.

Posters will be showcased in the historic corridor of the DAD offices on the 1st of the Manica Nord of the Valentino Castle.

During the event, the book SPACE. DASP Yearbook 2023 – which is the first collective effort to collect and publish the abstracts of all ongoing doctoral research – will be presented.


15.00-15.30 / Room 3V

Opening and presentation of the DASP Yearbook 2023 to students and academic board

15.30-18.00 / DAD offices 1st floor Manica Nord, Castello del Valentino

Exhibition and informal talks about the researches